Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Oral presentation reflection

Well, I think our group’s presentation wasn’t so bad. However as compared to the other two teams that presented on the same day, all I can say is they did an excellent job!!

As a team, we discussed and rehearsed the presentation a day before and we did try to make our presentation short sweet. I am definitely sure that more work can be done to improve on. First of all I would think that our slides are still to wordy despite our attempts to shorten everything. I have forgot who the person was but someone once told me that if you can replace you words with pictures or figures, than DO IT! Studies have shown that meaningful picture and figure have a more lasting impression on audiences than words itself (with reference to presentation slide). With that said, to come up with a really powerful power point slide is really not that easy. Just to share a presentation experience that I have last year. It was an engineering module however the emphasis was on conceptualization, marketing and presentation. Our team of 8 did very well for the presentation eventually earning ourselves an A+ for the module. But what I want to emphasize is the amount of effort we put into the presentation. Our team took 1 month to prepare for it. Even though there were only 2 speakers (we felt the changing of speakers would disrupt the flow) all of us would sit down together to run over the slides and presentation again and again and again, constantly making changes to every sentence being said. We had a very clear goal – TO PRESENT AND SELL OUR IDEAS AS CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE. And I think this is what all presentation should be about.
Well having said that, i think with the amount of time we had and considering our group has 2 final year student I think our presentation was good enough as we did manage to present what we wanted our audience to know. =) Probably I should take this opportunity to thank Gerard for being such an understanding and wonderful team-mate. Without him I think our presentation would be disastrous as both Weixi and I have FYP CA4 presentation the following day. Phew!! Thank god it’s over!
On a personal level, I did felt nervous at the start and I attribute that to the lack of preparation. Lack of preparation can be devastating to a presentation as it will bring about nervousness and along with it will come a lack of confidence. My insurance agent once told me (haha yes I have insurance) “one can never be persuasive without confidence! To sell something you HAVE to believe in your product as well as yourself.” Personally I think that would be the best case scenario however, it is not all the time that you can be confident in your product as such; you have to portray that image and to do so… PRACTICE!
Well just to sum up, I think I think our team did a good job considering the time and workload! However,
1. More research can be done to “make” ourselves have more “faith” in our product.
2. Confidence is the key to being a persuasive speaker.
3. All there is to a good presentation is to be AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE with whatever means you can think of.
4. Lastly, if Steve Jobs and so many other fantastic presentation speakers out there say that practice is must, then all the more we, the less experienced, should do it.
Thank you for reading!


  1. Something nice i would like to share
    Take a look if you have time k haha

  2. Hey Alex!
    Yup I am commenting on yours as well :) Sorry for the slight delay though!
    I felt that your presentation as a group was quite a effective one. The organisation of the presentation is very important to make any presentation effective as this determines the flow of ideas that you put across to the audience. If this flow is logical and makes sense to audience, it is more likely that they will remember your presentation. I think your group’s organisation was quite good but perhaps could be improved. Personally we also had problems in changing the flow of our proposal such that it was most effective for the oral presentation. In retrospect, I also felt that perhaps we were too invested in the project to be able to change the flow effectively. A opinion from someone not familiar with the project could have helped us along.
    About the presentation itself considering the crunch of time you and Wei Xi would have felt, I think you have done quite a good job. I think you had an appropriate voice volume and speed. A little more rehearsing would not have gone wrong though :P I felt that at some parts you stumbled a little bit and practising could have smoothened that out :) But I think you were quite sure of your content and did believe in what you were presenting. You looked slightly stressed though especially at the start of the presentation (shocking..hehe). You seemed a lot more comfortable towards the end of the presentation. I think it always helps when the presenter smiles. The audience feels more at ease and find it easier to concentrate on the presenter. So smile more next time!
    Yup so that’s about it. I think overall it was quite a good presentation but could have been improved through more practise and less nervousness! :)

  3. Hey Alex,

    Sorry I'm a bit late in posting. I think your presentation was quite good that day. The flow was good and you Weixi and Gerard covered each portion very evenly and thoroughly. Yup agree with you that some slides were a bit wordy, but it wasn't that bad, I could still follow.

    Yups I agree with Jigna, you were a bit nervous at the start but the confidence started to build through the presentation and at the end your tone and posture sounded convincing. Haha although toward the end, you also started looking at your iphone alot more too. Maybe one way to start strong is by encouraging yourself about your product even though another product may look better. Maybe when you saw our slides you felt a bit discouraged but don't be! I thought your project had its own sellable content. Haha it certainly had some points that I thought were good perspectives we didn't cover in ours.


  4. Haha Seriously i don't even know why i was nervous. But none the best i think i did gave a VERY good example on how presentation should not be done. Well I do agree with what you have said and i believe that you'll are right. I will keep that in my mind and hopefully the next time i'm presenting i can be my normal self again=) Seriously speaking, i do feel rather shitty after that day and i know i wouldn't do well the instant i started talking. But PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE !! I keep that in mind !
